For those of you that know me it will come as no surprise to hear me say that I'm just not right. Technically, that could be said of me by way of an introduction however, in this case I'm referring to the virus.
It hasn't completely gone yet and seems to be having great fun toying with me. I think it's gone and there it is, back again. It's not just me that it's treating this way, the dirty rotten thing is two timing me with Kye and to make matters worse it's now visiting Du (he does seem to have it quite bad).
At least it didn't stop knitting on Monday or the card/scrap club on Tuesday.
This week we looked at the new die cuts from Rayher, which I'd love to show you but didn't remember to take a photo of them, no surprises there.
I will take a pic tomorrow, but basically they're in several different themes and are double sided in different styles/colours
There are baby things, alphabet, frames and flowers, in the garden and roses. I chose to use the roses first, assuming they would be the least popular and found myself getting completely carried away with them, that I didn't get round to using any of the others.
This one is your basic bouquet shape, ribbon wrapped, with four of the small rose mounted on 3d foam. A little gold Stickles dabbed in places and mulberry paper.
Same idea, but this time the roses have been turned over to the pink/red side.
This one is the waste from a peel-off.

Card is made by taking a third of a 12x12 page and then wrapped in a piece of card stamped with Mica Magic ink. Roses are decoupaged with 3d foam. Card closes with a Velcro coin.

Scrapaholix tomorrow morning and it's basically a full house - yippee. It's a monochromatic kit with felt, all good fun. All is ready except of course the shop, but that won't take long. If I get a chance I will post up a pic of my layout after.
Before I go, here is the completed jumper that I made for D in the yarn of the month (of which there is not much left). Ideally, I would have liked a photo of her wearing it but that would mean the planets would have to be aligned, no war, etc - it's just not going to happen.