Wednesday, October 22, 2008

October Scrapaholix - Beading

Saturday was fantastic, we had a full house and time flew.

Scrapaholix rocked this month, I actually felt my heart in my hand when I first sat down to get my layout together. I could see lots of different layouts created with the kit, but as time is a factor I thought it would be tricky. My layout (I think) was a hit and I really hope all the ladies had a wicked time. Both Sue and Elaine came baring sweet treats, which meant I didn't feel so bad that my shortbread hadn't had time to cool. We ran over by 30 minutes and have decided to make the class that bit longer in future.

This is my layout as you can see there is quite a lot going on, but I'm hoping it doesn't look to 'busy.

This second layout compliments the first whilst giving me the ideal journalling space. The feel of the page is still very much the same and the two pages work well together side by side.

Lastly, this is a car I made using the leftovers, of which there were few. I added one of the big blooms purely because I love them.


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